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Can I give my silver or MYO slot to another person?
- Yes.

Can I join an event without competing for a price?
- Yes, you can still join in and we will choose someone else as the winner.

Is it possible to create an Uçalım of the same bird species of an already existing one?
- Yes.



Does my Uçalım have to have all colors of the bird they’re derived from?
- No, you can add those colors with their clothing too, but they should still be implemented in the design if possible.


Can an Atabey have Harpy wings too?
- No, only Afet, Inci or Taarih can have harpy wings.


Do all Uçalım have tails?
- No, not all of them. You can choose if they have one or not.


Can I take a male bird’s feather patterns even though my character is female?
- Yes.


Can I use human skin color or should it have the bird’s color?
- You can use human skin color.


Can my Afet still be in a harem even though they have no traits that indicate that?
- No, your Afet needs at least a veil to become a member of a harem. 


My Afet has all the traits they need to be in a Harem, how can I join one?
- You can either ask the owner of a harem to join his, or even create one of your own!


Can I design a lizard for my Belig to ride on?
- Yes.


Can I later enhance my Uçalım’s traits with silver?
- Yes, it is possible to buy traits and modifications. 


Can all Uçalım have weapons, not only the Atabey?
- Yes, especially Caglayan, Eser and Taarih. The other families however are either very peaceful or don’t want to get their hands dirty, so if they actually own weapons, it would be small, easy-to-hide weapons.

What are unseen traits?
- Unseen traits are above the legendary traits and are a lot rarer. Uçalım with unseen traits can only be acquired through auctions.

Can the third eye be located somewhere else?
- No, it has to be on the forehead.

Does the third eye have to look human?
- As long as you can all it an eye everything is perfectly fine. It does not have to look real or human.

Is it possible to create an Uçalım with just one wing?
- Yes.

Can Uçalım from different families be married with each other?
- No.

Is it allowed to choose any shape for the pupil if my Uçalım has the shaped pupil trait?
- Yes.



Are the Belig’s sand clocks embedded in their skin?
- Yes, just like normal Soul Clocks they are connected to their spine and hidden by a cover.



Can I make a Hybrid?
- No, hybrids can not be created with a MYO slot.

How do you know if someone is a Hybrid?
- They will always have a trait that gives their origins away, like a sparrow having bright blue feathers underneath its wings.

How rare are Hybrids?
- Since relationships of Uçalım of different families are forbidden, and because they’re hunted down by Atabey, they are extremely rare and hardly ever survive longer than a few days after being found out.

Are the Hybrid’s traits that give them away visible right at birth?
- For some yes, but some only develop these traits when they get older, usually as teenagers.

Can Hybrids only live in Afet capitals?
- No, but it’s safest there, and living somewhere else would put a great risk on them and their surroundings, since they’re constantly being hunted.

Can Hybrids be part of a harem?
- Yes, if they have one of the three harem traits (veil, gilded tips or floating rings) because it represents their status.

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