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Each kind of blood works differently, but they have a lot in common:


  1. Blood must somehow get into someone’s mouth for it to work, even if that blood is the Uçalım's own. One drop is enough. An exception to that rule is the Black Blood of a Devrim, which only needs to enter the body in some way.

  2. The duration of its effect depends on the status of the Uçalım. (points equal minutes of duration)
    Only exception: Pink Blood (points equal hours)


  3. If an Uçalım has colored blood, they can shorten its duration if they use it on themselves. They can not influence it on others, and others can not influence it either. 

  4. The blood color also alters some other parts of the Uçalım. (Blush, Organs etc.) An exception of that is the inside of the mouth.

  5. Colored blood is highly saturated and almost impossible to get out of fabric or feathers. Watch out people!


General: Colored blood can reverse fitting curses for some time.



Their pink blood works as a love potion. It can be used by anyone, not just the owner. The person who drinks the potion will fall in love with the person they got the potion from. Its effect usually lasts several hours. (the blood owner’s points equal hours.)



Their grey blood is a truth serum. As long as its effect holds on (the blood owner’s points equal seconds), the person who drank it can say nothing but the absolute truth. They can not tell things they do not know, however.



Their purple blood makes others believe everything they tell them (the blood owner’s points equal seconds). The person who drinks the potion will believe everything that the person they got the potion from will tell them.



Their blue blood makes anybody who drinks it invisible and untrackable (the blood owner’s points equal minutes). Counter: If an Atabey has the Third Eye, and has a higher status than the blueblooded Caglayan, they can still see and track the Caglayan. If the Uçalım is holding a dagger or other small items while drinking blue blood, they turn invisible as well. However, if they touch something after drinking the blood, it won't turn invisible.


Their blood does not have a specific color, it is however a corrosive, highly acidic substance that can even burn its way through iron bars.



Their black blood is a deadly poison. It can pollute and kill off entire rivers if too much black blood gets into the water. It usually kills other Uçalım in only a few seconds. The blackblooded Devrim himself is immune to his own poison, however they're not immune to the poison of other blackblooded Devrims. The only thing that can heal Black Blood Poisoning is the white blood of an higher ranked Inci.



Their golden blood makes whoever drinks it unbelievably strong and almost invulnerable (the blood owner’s points equal seconds). It can’t do anything about black blood, however. The blood does make them more durable, but a shot through the head will still kill them, and guns and swords will still harm them. They are just a lot more durable than a normal Uçalım would be.



Their white blood heals severe wounds and poisoning in a matter of seconds, including black blood poisoning if the black blooded Devrim is lower ranked than the Inci. Curses from witches are generally stronger than white blood. The Devrim's powers of stealing life can only be healed partially by a whiteblooded Inci's healing song, and powers of inflicting pain can not be healed or weakened by consuming white blood. Also, white blood can not bring people back from the dead.



Their orange blood is a conjuring potion. It allows an Uçalım to conjure a shadow to do their bidding. These shadows resemble animals, and are absolutely loyal to their conjurer. There is a time limit to how long a shadow will stay in this realm (points equal minutes), and every single Uçalım has a personal shadow fitted to them.

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